Become a Patient


Let’s get started.

The Roper St. Francis Health Services Center is a team-based, patient-centered medical home. A full care team – an HIV medical provider, a care manager and a peer navigator – is assigned to every patient. Your care team will provide emotional support and encouragement to help you stay on track with your care plan and medical recommendations.

Complete the form below or call us at 843-402-1096 to schedule your pre-enrollment assessment.

Your first medical appointment will be scheduled within 10 days after enrollment.


Our Office

Clinic Hours:

M–W 9am - 12pm, 1pm - 5pm
Th 9am - 10am, 1pm - 7pm
F 9am - 12pm

Lab Hours:

M–W New Patients: 9am - 11am, 1pm - 3pm; Est. Patients: 9am - 11:30am, 1pm - 3:30pm

Th New Patients: 9am - 10am, 1pm - 5pm; Est. Patients: 9am - 10am, 1pm - 5:30pm

F New Patients: 9am - 11am, Est. Patients: 9am - 11:30am

*If the clinic will be closed on a Friday, Thursday Lab hours are the same as Monday – Wednesday

1481 Tobias Gadson Blvd.
Charleston, SC 29407

tel: (843) 402-3093

fax: (843) 606-8078 or
(843) 402-1410